New Sea painting for a friend
This summer is quite different from the last years, we don't travel as much as we would like to and many of us is not going to spend their vacation at the sea side... my friend loves the sea and she was quite sad that they were not going anywhere abroad this year. She just had her birthday and I wanted to give her something special. A personal Sea painting!

Firstly, I made a sketch of the future painting on my iPad to find out what colors and shapes I'd use.
And then I took out a canvas and acrylic colors and started to work on the first layers.

I had a lot of fun with the sunset and the sea, and I'm happy that another sea painting commission is awaiting me!
This is the final painting, named "Sex on the beach" as the famous coctail drink my friend loves :)

My friend was very excited with my gift and we went for a coctail drink straight away!